Daughter of Light and Son of Truth Book Giveaway

AutumnOnce again October is upon us, my most favorite month of the year! To celebrate October, every year I feature anything and everything speculative on my blog: books, movies, sites to visit, etc…

To kick off my celebration of October, I am giving away an ebook bundle of my own books: Daughter of Light and Son of Truth, the first two books in the Follower of the Word series. This series follows the life of Rowen, a woman who discovers a mark on her hand, a mark that–when she touches someone–allows her to see inside that person’s soul. If you enjoy Terry Brooks or Terry Goodkind and are looking for a fantasy series that is not YA, then enter and try this one out.

There are many ways to enter: tweet about the giveaway, like my facebook page, leave a comment, etc… Just click on the link to go to the giveaway and start entering. I will randomly choose the winner on October 8th, my birthday to be exact. I thought this would be a great way to celebrate, by giving away books 🙂

So what are you waiting for? Click on the link! Rafflecopter Giveaway

And, if that giveaway isn’t enough, you have another chance to win my books, along with every other book my publisher (Marcher Lord Press) has ever published, in celebration of its 5th year anniversary: www.marcherlordpress.com

17 thoughts on “Daughter of Light and Son of Truth Book Giveaway”

  1. What a great way to celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday in advance. I look forward to reading this series.

  2. Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate. I love October because the weather is finally getting a bit cooler here in Texas.

  3. Dear Morgan,

    I just finished /Tainted/, and I LOVED it ❤️ 😍 💖

    I noticed that both Kat and Selene, from /The Ravenwood Saga/, buried their emotions—deep down inside. I did that my middle school years and the 1st 2 years of high school in order to NOT be bullied—because I HAD Been in 2nd, 5th, and ESPECIALLY 3rd Grades (the year my classmates told me to KILL Myself)!

    It appears you have been bullied, too 😔 I am SOOO SORRY! I expect that your bullying was just as BAD. Please accept my empathy. I KNOW how deep those scars go 😭

    I WON’T waste any more of your time with blather. Just realize your books found another wounded soul

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