Tag Archives: Overchurched

Church Planting

Freefalling. Leap of faith. No safety net. I call it church planting.

I know many of you have been wondering what Dan and I have been up to the last few months. Truth be told, Dan and I have been wondering the same thing. What next? What path do we take? Where do we go? But most importantly, what does God want us to do?

Now we know. And we want to share with you.

A couple years ago, a seed was planted inside both our hearts and minds. The idea of church planting. We began to research what that meant and how one begins a church. Then God brought along a church for Dan to pastor at, so the idea settled in the back of our minds.

Two months ago, we found ourselves facing a blank future. Should we continue in ministry? Find secular jobs? Or… revive the dream of a church plant?

I will be honest, the thought of church planting scares the pants off of me. I am a creature of security. I like to have a stable life with a stable income, savings in the bank, something for a rainy day. To church plant means no security. No guarantees, no income, no safety net. Yet lately, as I look at life, that’s true of anything we do. Our health can vanish in an instant, bank accounts can disappear overnight, jobs gone within minutes. The only guarantee in life is God. His hands are the best security there is.

So we are taking the plunge. Dan and I are church planting in the Madison and Hamilton counties of Indiana. Our heart and mission are for the unchurched and overchurched (those who have been Christians/churchgoers all their lives, but are chained to religion). We not only want to share God, but also our lives with those who God brings. We want to be a safe place for life changing grace.

However, no man (or church) is an island. I have learned over the years the power of prayer. And so I am asking for anyone who is lead to pray for our mission to the people of Indiana. And if you feel even more risky, be part of our Launch Team. Both are vital to launching a church. To find out more, visit Living Grace Church on facebook or http://www.aplace4grace.org.

Dan and I are currently working on a more detailed website and hope to have it up sometime in the next couple weeks. I will also be blogging about how exactly one starts this crazy adventure called church planting next Friday, so stay tuned :).