Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt STOP 26: What is Viking-Inspired Fantasy?

Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #26

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

· The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1 at

· Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).

· There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.

· Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

First, welcome to my site! I’m Morgan L. Busse and I write award-winning Christian Fantasy and Steampunk. I grew up on stories from Tolkien, Lewis, and many others, so writing these same stories came naturally. Speaking of, I have a new Viking-inspired fantasy coming out, and thought I would share what does Viking-inspired mean?

When I first shared that I was writing a story of this sort, I received a lot of questions:

  • Is it based on history?
  • Will there be longboats and raids?
  • How ‘Viking’ is it?

So I thought it would be a good idea to discuss what is Viking-inspired? For me, it means that when I started building the world for Winter’s Maiden, I was “inspired” by the Nordic culture: their homes, clothes, food, way of life. And used that to build Nordica, the fantasy country in my book.

Not every Viking fantasy does this. Some are based on historical events, some are based on Viking mythology. Winter’s Maiden takes place in a world I already created in my first fantasy series (Follower of the Word). There is the feeling of a Viking culture, but not exact facts.

Here is what is Viking-Inspired in Winter’s Maiden:

  • The clothing (wool-strap dresses, leather, embroidery, boots)
  • Architecture (wood and stone buildings,
  • Philosophy (honor and glory, death, religion, fight styles)

In the end, the world of Winter’s Maiden is inspired by the Viking way of life, but it is its own story, with its own world and own history. A coming age story about a young woman who is searching for who she is and why she exists. A story of hope and God’s love and pursuit of us.

Warrior. Survivor. Daughter of the North.

From the moment she is born, Brighid fights to survive in the wastelands of Nordica as a clanless one. But when a new power arrives offering a trial to join the Nordic warriors, Brighid enters, hoping to rise above her station. Soon she becomes one of their fiercest fighters and joins the war against the south.

Kaeden carries the blood of the ancient Eldaran race in his veins but turns away from his heritage after the death of his parents. Years later, he is called back to his homeland and invited to be a healer for the southern forces. With the help of an old mentor, the power inside of him starts to awaken. However, his life is turned upside down when a mighty warrior of the Nordic forces is captured.

As Kaeden interacts with the enemy, he discovers there is a darkness behind the Nordic Wars, one that is manipulating the people of the north. But who will believe him? And is there a power strong enough to break the hold of this hidden adversary? Or will the world burn in the flames of war?

Here’s the Stop #26 Basics:

If you’re interested, you can order Winter’s Maiden on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore! ORDER HERE.

Clue to Write Down: That’s

Link to Stop #27, the Next Stop on the Loop: Melanie Dickerson’s site!

INTERESTED in WINNING a signed paperback copy of Winter’s Maiden when it releases in August? Then leave a comment below on why this story interests you to be entered!

*US only. Must be 18 years old or older. Winner will be drawn randomly at the end of the Scavenger Hunt.

111 thoughts on “Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt STOP 26: What is Viking-Inspired Fantasy?”

  1. I would love to win this book. I’ve ready all your other books and have really enjoyed them. Vikings sound like an awesome world to explore.

      1. It really does. It would be so cool to win. I had no idea this book existed until I saw the contest

  2. Thank you for having this giveaway! I really enjoy reading any historical fiction (because history is sooo cool!)…. I don’t remember ever reading anything that includes Vikings, so this would be a first for that time period for me.

  3. WHY this book would interest me?! Oh, so many reasons. hahahaha First, I love all of your stories! Second, I’ve never read about that includes Vikings. Third, I have a mug that goes perfectly with the book. Ha!

  4. I would love to win your book! Fantasy is my favorite genre, and one that is inspired by Vikings sounds super fascinating!

  5. I really would love to win this book. Its sounds fascinating, I’ve never read a christian viking inspired book before. I actually really excited about it!

  6. First of all, the story description and cover drew me in immediately! Secondly, I love family history and have recently discovered that I am a descendant of Vikings. I have loved learning more about them and this book would be amazing!!

  7. This cover is absolutely stunning and looks like a book I would enjoy! I have read one book inspired by viking culture, and I very much enjoyed it, so I think I would like your book, as well.

  8. i would love to win a copy of this book! I have exchange student family in Sweden and Nordic/Scandinavian culture and history has always fascinating!

  9. Oh GREAT cover!!! I have never read a book about Vikings before. Sounds very exciting and intro to some of the culture and such with creative liberties.

  10. Hi, I have not read any Viking fiction , I have only watched movies of Vikings and I really enjoyed them. Your book sounds and looks very intriguing. Thank you for the chance.

  11. Hi. I am sorry if you are getting a bunch of my comments. I have been having a hard time getting one through, or so I believe. I enjoy Viking inspired stories. There is not enough of them.

  12. Hi, I have never read any Viking fiction , but I have watched movies on Vikings and I have really enjoyed them. Your book sounds and looks very intriguing Thank you for the chance.

  13. I’ve always been interested in Vikings, and always love to see the new ways they are portrayed in stories!

  14. I don’t know where to start. I love fantasy!!! The Viking-inspiration is very exciting and interesting!! Strong female characters that also find love are the best stories for me. And the cover is stunning!!!

  15. I would love to read this book. I have never read one of your books before, but this sounds like one that would be a super interesting introduction to your writing!

  16. This book sounds amazing! I cannot wait to read it, and I have a friend who loves the viking culture who I’ll definitely share it with!!

  17. My computer glitched so I’m sorry if this is a double comment.

    I love almost all genres of books, but this book sounds especially up my alley! I cannot wait for it to come out, and I have a friend who loves Viking culture that I’ll definitely be sure to share it with!

  18. I haven’t read much Viking-style fiction. Actually, I haven’t read any Viking-style fiction. Sounds interesting!

  19. I’m intrigued by the setting of this book, it sound so different from other things I’ve read!

  20. Being one quarter Danish, I’m super intrigued by your Viking stories! I’ve read Viking-inspired books before, but not yours. I’m excited to add yours to my TBR list!

  21. This sounds super interesting! I love reading historical fiction books but I have never read one from about Vikings. That sounds super intriguing!

  22. First, I’ve loved your other books, and second, I love reading clean Viking inspired stories because I feel like I am connecting to my family’s history which is very much rooted in Scandinavia.

  23. I have always loved stories based on historical places, and I loved your Tainted series. I am excited to see you bring Nordica to life, especially since it is a setting so very different from Tainted.

  24. The story sounds interesting, and the cover is captivating! The Viking element is very intriguing!

  25. The book looks awesome! Nordic culture has so much fantasy potential! I listened to a college course online about the vikings, and I realized how much of LOTR was inspired by Anglo-Saxon/ Scandinavian mythology and culture.

  26. You are a new author to me, the striking cover looks interesting, and the description pulled me in. I’m very curious to see how this book plays out.

  27. I read aloud to my husband every night. Our favorite is Christian Fantasy, especially with swashbuckling, knights, etc. This sounds like a good one for us to read.

  28. I read aloud to my husband every night. We especially enjoy Biblical fiction, Christian fantasy, books with sword play and medieval settings. I look forward to reading one of your books. I think it would be something we would enjoy.

  29. Hi! I’m very interested in this book because I am an archaeologist and a lover of fantasy. Vikings have always fascinated me. I’ve never read a fantasy about Vikings so I’m very excited to!

  30. I am a new reader to your books and would love to read this one. It sounds like a great story and one right up my alley!

  31. I have been wanting to get into more of a fantasy type of reading but so many of them are all… a bit much and I just want a good story not everything else. So excited to give these a try!

  32. This book looks so good!! I’ve always LOVED historical fantasy/action adventures and the HTTYD movies are…kinda my favorites 😆.

  33. I love the the cover of your new book. I am excited to read it. The world of vikings is something I enjoy reading about and cant find much of.

  34. I loved the Follower of the Word, and I look forward to reading about some of the history alluded to there.

  35. I loved the Followers of the Word series, and I look forward to reading some of the history alluded to there.

  36. I’m interested in reading Winter’s Maiden because I love medieval history! I’m also working on a project inspired by certain medieval cultures and their history, and ever since then I’ve become fascinated with this kind of alternate history/fantasy inspired by real cultures and philosophies!

  37. I can’t wait! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading each of your books and have been encouraged by each one. I’m not in the habit of setting high expectations, but I know this one will be great!

  38. I am so intrigued by this book! I love your Follower of the Word series and have read many of your books since those. Ever since you mentioned the premise of the book I’ve been so excited! It sounds like something I’ll enjoy immensely! The cover is gorgeous too!

  39. I’ve always been interested in reading a Viking-ish book, but I haven’t yet. Your book sounds like the perfect place for me to start. Thank you for a chance to win!

  40. The beautiful and intriguing cover draws me in. I would enjoy reading this book as it is unlike anything that I have read lately. A reading adventure!

  41. Viking inspired stories are some of my favorites, but unfortunately I feel like there’s not too many options that are clean. Really interested in reading this one when it releases!

  42. I can not wait for this book to release! I love your other books and the cover is gorgeous! I loved the Follower of the Word series and am looking forward to learning more about the Nordic Wars.

  43. I loved the Mark of the Raven series and can’t wait to read this book. I am intrigued by the story line. I love reading about fantasy and history and other cultures.

  44. First this cover is absolutely stunning!! And I love a book where characters form opposites sides interact. 

  45. This is one of my most anticipated reads ever since I read your Skyworld duology.

    I love how you create worlds and stories.

    Hoping to win!

  46. I love that it’s a Viking-esque story! I love learning about ancient cultures. And if I can do that through a fantastical story??? It’s exciting!

    (The cover’s also beautiful!)

  47. I would love to read this book because I am interested in Viking history and lore. It’s hard to explain why, but it’s so fascinating to me. I’m definitely putting this book on my list!

  48. Anything with winter and snow grabs my attention everytime and that cover is gorgeous. Vikings, and a girl searching for who she is sounds very good.

  49. my husband and I are both of Scandinavian ancestry so viking books always intrest me! I have really enjoyed other books of yours I have read to!

  50. Fantasy is not usually a genre I read. But, I am really intrigued by this book and can’t wait to read it!

  51. I loved learning about Viking culture and mythology in my school days – it’s a culture and time period that stands out in my mind even today. Reading a Viking-inspired story sounds amazing. I am new to your work and I look forward to checking it out. Thank you!

  52. I’ve never read a Viking inspired book, but now it’s everything I never knew I wanted and needed!

  53. The Vikings are a setting and culture that I have not really read about, so I would be excited to read your book.

  54. I’ve been interested in Iceland and things Viking since I read a Hardy Boys book set in Iceland back in the 70s. This sounds like a fascinating mesh of Viking type culture and early Christianity.

  55. I’m looking forward to reading “Winter’s Maiden” as I come from Nordic/Scandinavian descent and am really interested in that history. As soon as I saw the teaser for this book on your Instagram a while ago I thought “Yes! This book is exactly what I’ve been looking for!” Super keen! 😀

  56. I’ve always wanted to read a Christian version of Viking stories! Nowadays, the majority of this genre is all about sex and violence. We don’t need that to have a beautiful and historical story! I’d love to give your book a read!

  57. I don’t think I’ve ever read an inspirational book set during the Vikings time. It sounds intriguing.

  58. I’m interested in this story because I have Swedish ancestors (and my cousin said he was able to trace our ancestry back to a very famous Viking).

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