Finding the Fantastical in Everyday Life

Finding the Fantastical in Everyday Life.pngAs a fantasy writer, I’m constantly asked where do I get my ideas. I think it first began when I was a kid growing up in the mountains of Montana. I didn’t see the world around me with ordinary eyes. Instead, I saw the world with my imagination. Everything around me was magical, from the creek that ran behind our house, to the forests I would hike with my family, to those snowy days when the snowdrifts would be as tall as I was. I was an explorer wherever I went, constantly making up stories about the world around me.

I’ve grown older, but I haven’t changed much. Instead of keeping the stories in my head, I now convey what I see into the stories I write. When most people see a sunset, I see a painting of God every evening. The stars are diamonds in the sky. A thunderstorm is God’s power on display.

Even little things like the weaving of a spiderweb and a bird building her nest amaze me. Or the scent of fall as the leaves crunch beneath my boots. Or the stillness of a winter’s night. The sweet scent of a baby, or the tender purrs from my cat.

When I write, I want to convey the wonder I have of the world around me, and of the God who made it. And that doesn’t just stop at the physical world. Sometimes I ask questions in my stories: Are we monsters? Can anyone be redeemed? What does God’s grace really look like? What if I could walk in dreams? Who are we? And what does it mean to follow God?

I place my characters in situations that could not exist in this world in order to explain the real questions we ask as human beings. And I use the beauty of the real world to convey a fantasy world full of wonder.

Where do I find the inspiration for my stories? It is the fantastical I see every day around me.

How about you? What ‘ordinary’ things do you see as amazing? How does it bring you closer to God, and if you are a writer, how does it influence your writing?

2 thoughts on “Finding the Fantastical in Everyday Life”

  1. I see all of God’s creation as amazing. As one who lives surrounded by Montana’s vast and diverse landscape, I stand in awe of God’s creative power. Which in turn amazes me that with all this beauty around Him, He still made me and thinks I am worth the effort.

  2. I live in northeastern Louisiana and only recently began looking for our
    amazing God in the ordinary things of life – like the beauty of a sunset, His tenderness displayed in a mother duck swimming on the bayou with her ducklings behind her, the deer l and other wildlife that live in the wooded areas near my home.

    I hope to be an author myself one day and I must admit – I’ve never thought about how this could influence me in my writing, but now I will. definitely find the answer to that question.

    I’m glad to find a Christian author who writes fantasy. I eagerly await the second Ravenwood book.


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