Author Spotlight: Kristen Joy Wilks

Hey everyone! Today I am spotlighting a new author on the scene. I met Kristen a few years ago after we discovered mutual acquaintances. Kristen writes contemporary romance, a departure from the usual fantasy and science fiction fanfare found on my blog 🙂 However, as an animal lover, her debut novel sounds like a nice read. And she is giving away an ebook copy of her book, Copenhagen Cozenage, so stay tuned to find out how you can enter!

Please join me in welcoming Kristen Joy Wilks!

Kristen Joy WilksKristen Joy Wilks lives in the beautiful woods of the Cascade mountains with her camp director husband, three fierce sons, and a large and slobbery Newfoundland dog. She spent her misguided youth falling in love with Commander Spock via Star Trek reruns, being suspended upside down over a homemade pit filled with gardener snakes, and stampeding herds of elk while on horseback. Now most of her adventures consist of preventing her hubby from filling another wall of their dining room with board games, thwarting her 3 boys’ efforts to sneak their pet chickens onto their bunk beds whenever she turns her back to fold laundry, and trying not to trip over the throng of random teenagers that swarm her house to play all those board games. She can be found tucked under a tattered quilt in an overstuffed chair at 4:00am writing a wide variety of implausible tales or at


Morgan Ravn arrives in Denmark seeking clues about her mysterious heritage. What she finds is a flirtatious stranger who regales her with a story about a jewel thief from 1958 and then abandons her with a large unruly dog.

Can Morgan locate the irresponsible pet owner before his monstrous canine drags her through every puddle in Copenhagen and sheds all over her last dress? And why are strangers dogging her every step, snapping photos? Is the shutter happy behavior a bizarre Danish custom or something more sinister?

Here is where you can find Copenhagen Cozenage online:


So who would like to win an ebook copy of this book? Just leave a comment below with your email address and I will randomly draw a winner Wednesday, September 30th! Want to be even more creative? Leave your own funny dog story in the comments below. Enjoy!

9 thoughts on “Author Spotlight: Kristen Joy Wilks”

    1. We won’t attack you or anything if you post twice, fear not. But do you have a funny dog story…that would be awesome, dogs do such crazy stuff.

  1. Hey all,
    I wanted to stop by and leave my crazy dog story. When I was pregnant with our first son, Shamu our Newfoundland was about a year old. He weighed about 120 pounds, not more than me at that point. But he was very strong and loved water! When I got out of the car at lake Chelan holding onto the end of his leash he suddenly saw the water. He hit the end of the leash so hard that I fell down on my face, only to be dragged across the lawn toward the water. But even more remarkable, he did the same thing to my husband who is a big guy of about 255 pounds! Adventures with big dogs have given me a lot of fun writing ideas. What are your crazy dog stories?

  2. Oh, this sounds like a lovely story! Thanks for hosting the author spotlight! My email is My funny dog story is simply that my Labrador/German Shepherd/Whatever-He-Is dog is very absent-minded (a lot like me, actually), and once when we were walking him he ran into a real estate sign. Another time, he ran into a parked car.

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